Public Presentations for the Introverted:
This 6 week workshop (2 hours per week) involves a series of exercises, discussions and practice in building, inner calm, self-awareness and confidence to speak in social situations and present to groups.
This workshop will help you to:
- Become aware of the inner workings of your body and mind when in social situations
- Build a self confidence that comes from a deep place within
- Reduce stress and speaker's anxiety
- Overcome your fear of standing up in front of groups and/or of being tongue-tied in social situations
- Overcome blocks to your self expression that is due to traumatic experiences or a tendency to bottle up your feelings
- Break through creative blocks and unlock your creative potential – no matter how uncreative you believe yourself to be
Who Should Attend this Workshop:
Presenting for the introverted is designed for people who have difficulty in social situations and/or presenting to groups. It is designed for people who want to increase their self-awareness and confidence in social situations and in delivering effective presentations.
Next Date and venue TBA.
Freeing your Authentic Voice:
“Most men (sic) lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them
This 6 week workshop over 2 hours per week involves a series of therapeutic and creative exercises, discussions and practices around finding your authentic voice through the discovery of self.
- Discover your own natural talents and abilities and have the confidence to express them
- Realise what it is you want in life
- Reconnect with your authentic voice and discover your self anew
- Align your life in accord with your authentic self
- Learn to hear your authentic voice at a higher volume
- Lead a life that is more pleasing to you, with less pain and struggle
- Discover new depths with your creativity
- Build self-confidence to express your authentic voice.
- Express your authentic self without fear of judgement, rejection and criticism.
Who Should Attend this Workshop:
Finding your authentic voice is for anyone who is being called to express their uniqueness and reconnect with their self. This workshop is for anyone who is feeling out of touch with who they really are and find that fear or the risk of rejection and criticism is holding them back from being who they really want to be. This workshop is for people who wish to step outside of their comfort zone and explore deeper more authentic and enriching parts of themselves.
Next Date And Venue TBA.
Emotional Intelligence Skills Training - intensive:
This 2 day intensive workshop involves a series of creative exercises, discussions and practices that reconnect you with all of the core emotions, including anger, sadness, fear, surprise, and joy. Unlike other workshops on this topic, we recognise that emotional intelligence can only be learned through active participation in targeted activities. This workshop focuses on better recognising the physical and mental precursors to your own and other people's emotions, and becoming aware of how emotions are closely aligned to physical sensations in your body.
This workshop intensive will help you to:
- Recognise and rein in your emotional stress
- Connect the emotion with the body sensation
- Understand and empathise with others
- Communicate clearly and effectively
- Make wise decisions based on the things that are most important to you
- Understand the “up” side of unpleasant emotions
- Get motivated and take action to meet goals
- Build strong, healthy, and rewarding relationships
Who Should Attend this Workshop:
This workshop is for people who feel disconnected from their emotions—especially strong core emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, and joy. Have trouble recognising what they are feeling and want to build strong emotional health, good communication, and solid relationships.
Next Date And Venue TBA.
The Art of Effective Communication - intensive
This 2 day intensive workshop involves a series of exercises, discussions and practice in communication, self-awareness, group dynamics and high-performance team skills.
- Strengthen relationships with clients and colleagues through authentic communication
- Get better outcomes in group and/or team projects
- Better understand your own current communication style, including it's potential pros and cons
- Discover why you can communicate better with some people, and how to communicate with people you may find more difficult
- Get better outcomes with your supervisors and staff by demonstrating growth, change and professional development
Corporate Communications intensive is for people who already have good communication skills, but want to reach the next level. It is designed for people who want to increase their ability to deal confidently with the range of difficult situations presented in the workplace, such as conflicting communication styles with clients, difficult staff members, giving and receiving performance reviews, new management and change.